Of Studies Prose Suggestion for Honours 1st Year

আসসালামু আলাইকুম। আমি আপনাকে আজ অনার্স প্রথম বর্ষের English Department এর Off Studies Prose এর Brief, Short এবং Broad Question এর সাজেশন দেবো। আশা করছি, আপনার কাজে আসবে। 

Honors First Year Off Studies Brief Question Suggestion/Part A

এই Brief Question গুলো সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। আশা করছি, এগুলোর বাইরে পরীক্ষায় কোনো Off Studies Prose এর Brief আসবে না।

  1. What was the title given to Bacon?

Ans: The title given to Bacon was ‘Viscount St. Albans’.

  1. What are the advantages of studying books?

Ans: By studying books, the reader can get delight, use his/her study as an Ornament, and increase his/her ability.

  1. How are studies perfected?

Ans: Studies are perfect through practical experience.

  1. In how many classes is a man divided in “Of  Studies”? 

Ans: In “Of Studies”  man is divided into three classes: crafty men, simple men, and wise men.

  1. Why should a man read books?  

Ans: According to Bacon, a man should read books to weigh and consider.

  1. Who is the wise man according to Bacon?

Ans: According to Bacon, the man who uses studies properly is a wise man.

  1. Whom does Bacon think is lazy?

Ans: Bacon thinks the person lazy who spends too much time in studies.

  1. What does Bacon suggest for a man whose mind wanders? 

Ans: Bacon suggests that the man whose mind wanders should study Mathematics.

  1. What type of essay is” Of Studies”?

Ans: “Of Studies” is a reflective essay. 

  1. What do books serve?

Ans: Books serve for delight, for ornament, and for abilities.

  1. What do you mean by Renaissance?

Ans: Renaissance means the revival or renewal of classical art culture and literature.

  1. What does the phrase “natural abilities” mean?

Ans: The phrase  “natural abilities” means inborn qualities.

  1. What is an antithesis?

Ans: Antithesis is a rhetorical device in which two opposite ideas are put together in a sentence to achieve contrasting effects.

  1. What is aphorism?

Ans: Aphorism is a short and wise saying which bears a truth.

  1. Who are ‘cymini Sectors”?

Ans: The phrase” cymini sectors” means the philosophers of the Middle Ages.

  1. What is the meaning of “ abeunt studia in mores”?

Ans: It means studies influence man's character.

  1. What is pragmatism?

Ans: Pragmatism is an approach that evaluates theories or beliefs  in terms of the success of their practical application.

  1. What are the uses of shooting? 

Ans: Shooting is good for the lungs and breast.

  1. Why, according to Bacon do crafty men scorn studies?

Ans: according to Bacon, crafty men scorn studies because they are unwilling to be enlightened by studies.

Honors First Year “Off Studies” Short Question Suggestion/Part B

এই Short Question গুলো আপনারা ভালোভাবে মুখস্থ করার চেষ্টা করবেন। কারণ, Off Studies Prose এর জন্য এগুলো ১০০% কমন উপযোগী।

1. Question: How does reading make a full man?

Ans: bacon is a utilitarian. He is a practical moralist. His approach to studies is utilitarian. In the essay “ Of Studies” Bacon shows how reading develops a complete man. According to Bacon, reading develops the whole personality of a man. It fills in the mind with new ideas and thoughts. It develops the natural ability of man. But reading is not enough without the help of conferences and writing. 

Discussion helps a man to clear up his own ideas. On the other hand , writing makes a man accurate and precise. Thus, Bacon, a man of practical wisdom and wide learning gives us useful suggestions for reading books.

2. Question: Write a short note on the Renaissance.

Ans: Renaissance means the rebirth or the revival of ancient Greek and Roman learnings, art, and culture. The rebirth was caused by a historical event. In 1453, with the fall of the then Constantinople, the scholars left their fleed to different countries of Europe, especially to Italy. 

They took with them the ancient  Greek and Roman literature which gradually became the centre of interest of the people. The ancient learning was rediscovered. The rediscovery of rebirth is called the Renaissance. Freedom of thought, thirst for knowledge, desire for power and wealth, love for beauty, spirit for nation, etc. are some of the important features of the Renaissance.

In the essay Bacon’s “of studies”, we find the reflection of the Renaissance spirit. He is utilitarian and materialistic in his outlook. His essays are connected with worldly life and worldly success. He cares little for moral principles. 

He has an insatiable search for knowledge and he is free from prejudice and superstitions. He is scientific and rational in his outlook. “Of Studies” reflects Bacon's Renaissance spirit.

3. Question: Consider Bacon as a utilitarian thinker/utilitarian moralist.

Ans: Bacon is a utilitarian. He is a practical moralist. His essays are full of wisdom and practical morality. From the very beginning of the essay” Of Studies,” his approach to studies is utilitarian: 

“Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability”.

We find pragmatism in the classification of books also:

“Some books are to be tested, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.”

In this essay, Bacon shows how reading develops the complete man. According to Bacon, reading develops the whole personality of a man. It fills the mind with new ideas and thoughts. It develops the natural ability of man. But reading is not enough without the help of conferences and writing.

Becon's design is practical and utilitarian. He believes that one can get maximum benefits from studies if one has a written approach to studies. His realistic attitude affirms that he is a practical moralist in a worldly-wise man.

4. Question: Write a short note on aphorism.

Ans: Aphorism is a short phrase or statement that reveals a truth or principle. Bacon's style is aphoristic. His aphorism makes him different from other essayists.

“Of Studies” is one of the most remarkable essays of Francis Bacon. The first sentence of this essay is aphoristic:

“Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability”.

Here Bacon arrests the reader's attention with brief and rapid sentences. His sentences are not only brief and rapid but also forceful. In this short sentence, he says many things. Reading gives pleasure er to a man when he is alone or when he feels bored. 

Studies serve as an ornament when we use them to improve discourse, speech, and writing. Books can develop our ability to judge and handle our practical affairs with success. The sentences are pregnant with meaning. Thus, we can say that “of studies” is a good example of Bacon’s aphorism.

5. Question: What are the uses of studies according to Bacon/ what are the abuses of studies?

Ans: Bacon's essays are full of wisdom and practical morality. The essay begins with the famous line:

“Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability”.

Delight means private and personal reading for contemplation amusement and insight. Reading books gives pleasure to a man in his leisure hours. We do not need any company for the enjoyment of reading. It is a source of deep joy. 

Studies serve as an ornament when we use them to improve discourse, speech, and writing. A man can decorate his speech and write by using material from books. The conversation of a man becomes graceful,l refined, and polished because of his studies. 

Books can develop our ability to judge and handle practical affairs with success. It can also help to expand our efficiency in running business. According to the writer people who use their knowledge in real life are scholars. As an impersonal essayist, Bacon shows the disadvantages of study also. The authority criticizes people who spend too much time reading. If a man uses is much material from books, it means that he is trying to show a vain display of his learning. 

Again, if a man judges everything according to the rules of books, he has the eccentricity of a scholar. Bacon warns is that bookish knowledge alone cannot fulfill all needs. To use the knowledge of the books, we need knowledge from practical life. This process can be compared to the growth and pruning of a plant. Thus, Bacon, a man of practical and wide learning, gives us useful suggestions for reading books.

6. Question: How does Bacon compare studies with physical exercise?/ What are the advantages of studying different subjects?

Ans: Bacon, a man of practical wisdom and wide learning gives us useful suggestions for reading books. He has compared studies with physical exercise.

Bacon says that there are different advantages to studying different subjects. To clarify his idea he has given example. To cure physical disease, a person should have appropriate exercise, such as bowling for a stone in the kidney, shooting for the lungs and breast, dental work for the stomach, wedding for the head, etc. Similarly, there are different kinds of books that everybody in different kinds of effects. 

Histories make a man wise, poetry makes a man imaginative and sensitive. Mathematics makes our thinking acute and exact. 

Studies like natural sciences like physics, chemistry, biology, etc. make man learned and wise. Moral philosophy makes us grave and serious. It molds the character and personality. If a man has a weak memory, he should consult a lawyer's case. As a result, various mental defects can be cured by appropriate studies. So reader must select his books according to his needs.

Honors First Year “Off Studies” Broad Question Suggestion/Part C

আসলে Broad Question অনেকগুলো পড়তে হয় না। এই কয়েকটা Broad আয়ত্ত্বে রাখতে পারলে যেকোনো Off Studies Prose এর সব Broad লিখতে পারবেন।

Discuss Beacon's prose style with reference to “Of Studies”

Ans: Francis Bacon is the pioneer of English essays. His valuable contribution to the development of English prose is immeasurable. His essays are full of wisdom and practical morality. His essays have become classics of the English language not only for the subject matter but also for his distinct prose style. The hallmarks of his prose style are- the use of short and sharp statements, the use of logical sequence, the contraction and expansion of Ideas, images from day-to-day life, the use of Greek and Latin expressions, etc.

Bacon's style is essentially aphoristic. His aphorism makes him different from other essayists. Aphorism is a short and sharp statement that reveals a truth or principle. His sentences are not only brief and rapid but also forceful. “Of Studies” is one of the most remarkable essays of Francis Bacon. 

It deals with some of the uses of studies and offers some sound ideas relating to the theme. The sentences are pregnant with meaning. The first sentence of the essay is epigrammatic as well as aphoristic:

Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.”

Again we find aphorism in his classification of books:

Some books are to be tested, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.”

Shakespeare said, “Brevity is the soul of wit” and it has come true in the essays of Bacon. The main feature of Bacon's prose is its brevity and lucidity. With the help of a few words, Bacon could express an idea or profound thought that an ordinary writer would express in several sentences. 

The terseness of expression has made his essays very popular. Many of his sentences have acquired proverbial force and weight: 

Some books are to be tested, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.”

Another important feature of Bacon's prose style is his recurrent use of figurative language. In this essay, “Of Studies”  Bacon has used similes, metaphors, and climax to express his ideas nicely. Here he uses a very appropriate simile when he compares “distilled books to common distilled waters.” 

We see another simile when he says “Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study.” 

We get an example of climax when he says, Some books are to be tested, others to be swallowed, and some few to ne chewed and digested.” This sentence is also used as an example of metaphor because there is an implied similarity between eating food and reading books.

Moreover, it is noted that Bacon's essays are full of illustrations, allusions, and quotations. Some of the quotations are taken from Latin quotations. If we study the essay “Of Studies” we find his use of Latin quotations. “Abeunt Studia in Mores” is a Latin quotation that means studies influence man's character.

Another important feature of his essays is that most of the sentences of his essays have a three-fold balance. For example-

Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.”

“Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them.”

Bacon has occupied a significant place in Literature for his brief, crisp, precise, and pregnant prose style. He set up a new method of prose which earned him the title ‘father of modern English prose’.

Consider Francis Bacon as an essayist.

Ans: Francis Bacon was a Renaissance scholar who wrote some essays. He did great work for the development of English prose. So English prose owes a great deal to his way of writing. He showed that it was possible in English to express many thoughts in the fewest possible words. 

If we analyze the essay “Of Studies” we will find some of his special features as an essayist.

One important reason for the popular appeal of Bacon's essay is that the ideas we see expressed are not deeply philosophical or abstract. If the ideas were abstract or metaphysical the general readers would not respond to them. 

Rather his ideas are expressed by the main practical wisdoms. We also find that Bacon illustrates his ideas by using appropriate similes, metaphors, and quotations which naturally add popularity to his essays. Moreover, it is clear that Bacon frequently speaks in his essay as a moralist. 

His moral percepts give the readers a feeling that they are becoming wiser and morally nobler. Besides, the readers come upon his aphoristic style. It means his sentences are short and meaningful.

In the essay “Of Studies” Bacon shows different videos of studies according to Bacon,  studies are a source of delight, again studies are useful for decorating one’s conversation. Through various illustrations, quotations, and rhetorical devices a man can increase his ability to speak. This grace finds expression in the conversation of a learned man. 

Finally, our natural abilities are enhanced through studies.

“Of studies” is a wonderful example of the compact style of Bacon. Though the ideas are expressed with the greatest economy of words, there is no obscurity. There are a number of sentences which are read like proverbs. If you examples may be cited to show Bacon's aphoristic style,

“Some books are to be tested, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested”


“Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man”

Bacon’s essays abound in very appropriate and original similes. We have one such simile when he says “Distilled books are like common distilled waters, flashy things”. There is hardly an essay by Bacon in which he does not introduce a Latin quotation. “ Abeunt studio in mores” is a Latin quotation that means studies influence a man's character. Besides, the Latin phrase “ cymini sectors” meaning hair splitters also adds to the dignity of Bacon’s style.

In fine, it can be said Bacon was one of the greatest essayists in English literature.” Of studies” is the finest essay of Bacon. It gives us a good number of sentences that we can quote when the situation demands. Some of them cling to our memory without any mental effort. That is why it appeals to the readers very much.

How does Bacon express his practical wisdom in “of studies”? Or, How does Bacon express the purpose of studies in his essay “Of Studies”?

Ans: “Of Studies” is one of the most famous essays written by Francis Bacon. This essay has made the young man understand that they should cultivate the habit of reading books. They should read books to sharpen their intellectual interest. 

Thinking all Bacon has tried to express the purpose of studies from is practical point of view.

According to Bacon, studies give us delight. They relieve us from the monotony of tiredness. In our private lives, they become our best companions. 

They provide us with ornaments for conversation. So, the conversation of a learned man appears to be refined. They also give as the ability to judge various affairs of human life properly and wisely. They help us solve all the problems of life effectively. The correct human nature. 

They enlighten and remove our shortcomings. They can broaden our outlooks and ennoble our minds. They also help us distinguish between right and wrong.

To Bacon, the purpose of the study is not to contradict or to defeat the opponent controversy. To judge any Idea critically and wisely is the main purpose of studies. That is why a learned man can judge complicated affairs logically. So it is said that studies make human beings rational in all respects.

Now let us discuss how Bacon used practical wisdom at the time of expressing his ideas about the purpose of studies. Bacn says practically that we should read books but not the same types of books. 

Different types of books should be read to get different kinds of knowledge. As different exercises are necessary to cure different physical diseases, the study of different books is helpful to remove various mental defects. So we should read History, Mathematics, Philosophy, etc.  

At the same time, Bacon thinks that we should not give equal importance to all books. Here Bacon says, 

“Some books are to be tested, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested”

Again, Bacon has expressed practical wisdom time to tell about the purpose of studies. He says, only reading is not without conference and writing. So he has said:

“Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man”

Moreover, Bacon says that we should read books with joy. But we should not spend too much time reading books only. They will make life lazy. Thus, Bacon has used practical wisdom in his essay.

In fine, it can be said that Francis Bacon is a versatile genius. In this essay, Bacon has expressed his ideas about the purpose of studies from a practical point of view. The use of practical wisdom has added an extra charm to his essay.

N:B: আপনি এই সাজেশনের প্রশ্ন ও উত্তরগুলো ভালোভাবে আয়ত্ত্বে আনার চেষ্টা করুন। এগুলো থেকেই ১০০% কমন আসার সম্ভাবনা রয়েছে। আর, অবশ্যই আপনার বন্ধুদের সাথেও পোস্টটি শেয়ার করে দিবেন। এতে করে তারাও উপকৃত হবে। ধন্যবাদ।

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